These cleaning pros are dishing some dirty little secrets! Here, they reveal the strangest, hardest, and funniest things they've ever experienced on a job. Enjoy...
"You get (wrongly) blamed for many things."
"After working for nearly eight months for this one family, the wife accused me of breaking her mini blinds. I reminded her that they had been broken since I started, but she didn't believe me. She said I had to pay for new ones or she was going to dock my pay. I said it was unfair but she didn't care — she fired me on the spot." – A full-time house cleaner from Bethesda, Maryland
"You have to make the most of crazy requests."
"I was once asked to match up more than 500 pairs of slightly different black socks. It was a beautiful day, so I spent four hours sorting socks on the backyard picnic table." – A professional organizer from Salem, New Hampshire
"Sometimes, the men are worse than the cleaning."
"I've had husbands outright flirt with me. Some have even offered me money — clearly hinting that they'd hope to get something in return. I've had guys hire me and then call me to ask me out. I do consider myself an attractive woman, I just didn't realize how desperate some guys are." – A full-time house cleaner from Lawrence, Kansas
"The tiniest jobs can be the most ridiculous."
"My very first client asked me to wash the paperclips we were using. We were organizing a home office that hadn't been used for a while and everything was covered in dust. She, understandably, didn't want to use the dusty paperclips, and simply brushing them off or getting new ones was not an option for her." – A full-time organizer from Columbus, Ohio